Saturday, November 3, 2007

Thing 13: my bookmarks follow me around

A site like hovers around the edges of my web use. I know it's out there, I know it's popular, and I guess that means I know it must be useful. But I've never tried to use it. Why not? Maybe I'm thinking "my web experience isn't broken, so why fix it?" I guess I've felt that the way I handle my bookmarks was getting the job done pretty well.

So I'd like to thank the ACL Learning 2.0 programme for steering me to I think I'm actually going to use this. One thing I like about it is the portability it gives. I think the ability to follows chains of bookmarks by tag is really handy to, but more as a way of having fun. I like being pointed to parts of the web I haven't seen before. I imagine it'd be very seldom that I'd find anything useful, but that's just because I don't have much faith in user-generated tags, for whatever reason.

No, wait, I know the reason. It's because I myself am allowed to tag, and so arethe various younger myselves. I don't think these people are much of an authority. I wouldn't trust me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, you'd be surprised how much good stuff you can find ;)