Monday, November 19, 2007

Thing 22: limitless paper in a paper-free world

Ebooks looked like the answer to my prayers when I started university last semester. All of my course texts were available through the university's library website. I wouldn't have to spend a cent on books, and could stock up on hair-care products and so on.

This proved to be a little unrealistic, as I basically needed the books very much while in class, and was restricted from printing the whole things out. So the ebook dream disappeared, but I must say I'm still a fan. I've now read several whole books on a computer screen, and haven't gone blind. I say, gimme more.

The down side to this post is, when browsing through the ebooks at NetLibrary I found no titles that I can imagine reading right through. This is not because they're ebooks, and I think part of the problem with the way people can think about ebooks is that there's an assumption that they're better than books because they involve technology. But at the heart of things, I'm only likely to read an ebook because it's the most convenient way for me to read a specific title. Not because it's digital, but necause it's available.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like that is a big yehhhh for e-books, watch out e-audio